Learning Analytics using xAPI

It’s been my privilege, since 2021, to play a key role in the development of specialized learning experiences for the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG). These feature interactive activities that leverage xAPI (Experience API) to collect meaningful learner activity data around defined learning objectives.

Customized dashboards allow stakeholders to view how well participants met each learning objective via a red, yellow, or green “traffic light” indicator. Drill down reports also allow tracked activity to be examined in detail. The collected data is then used to award participants with micro-credentialing.

Example of the “traffic light” dashboard used by FPG.

Specifically, my work involves the following:

  • Interpret design documents to develop prototypes of various learning assets such as videos, Articulate Rise and Storyline objects
  • Incorporate change requests from 2 rounds of internal and client reviews
  • Through an extra development phase, implement learner activity data tracking:
    • Create custom xAPI statements tied to each activity (such as answering a question or typing a response)
    • Program the calculations that feed the dashboard color statuses for each objective
    • Document any data tracking and xAPI statements used
    • Partner with vendor to ensure dashboard and reports are setup and functioning correctly
  • Ensure activity tracks correctly, dashboard populates, and each asset meets strict accessibility requirements prior to QA and usability testing.

Unlike much of my client work, these learning experiences are publicly available and widely publicized. I’m proud to help bring to life these real-world use cases of xAPI.